The Ecstasy of Fear

Reconnecting with a forgotten Friend and Teacher
Berlin, Germany
November 19, 2021
November 21, 2021
Kind of Offering
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Click hereThis workshop will be a deeply vulnerable and transformative group experience for everyone who wants to consciously embark on the evolutionary journey towards remembering our true power that is hidden in the relationship between our minds and our bodies.
Liberated from the urge to escape our collective and cultural trauma, we can dive into the depths of our own unconscious shadows, journey through the underworld of our psyche to resurface with parts of ourselves we have abandoned long ago, parts that are missing pieces of our authenticity and creativity, and cornerstones of our inner evolution. All this is possible by creating a profound experience of safety within our own body, a direct experience so convincing that our instincts agree to hand over the control to our higher self, to our soul's purpose.
Our society has a deeply broken relationship to fear. We grow up in a culture that mostly interprets it as a sign to better avoid something. "Don't go there', "Don't do this", "This is bad for you." Before we know it, we have built a life of little pockets of comfort zones around the areas of life that scare us. A life of comfort, predictability and distraction. And as soon as something provokes fear, we exclude it and move away. Be it new experiences, secret dreams, ambitions in business, relationships, or just the hidden parts within ourselves that frighten us. Let's just not go there. Let's move towards comfort.
In this paradigm, the profound alchemical power of fear gets lost. We have evolved in a deeply symbiotic relationship with our instincts, which are lying at the root of fear. A relationship that is about presence and agency. Fear is an extremely powerful capacity of our body to pull us into utmost presence, a hyperaware state that is similar to meditative states, laser focussed, in touch with our capacity to react and respond quickly.
"Pay attention! This matters! Focus now!" is the underlying message fear holds for us. This message represents an invisible guardian and guide, always with us, pointing us to the moments that matter. It reveals our next growth edge, it shows us where our priorities are, moves us closer to purpose and evolution, and calls us into presence when we are not paying attention. It is a sobering call to stop messing around and focus on what's important, not forget what we're here for.
Without this important guide, the journey of growth, maturation, and evolution, individually and collective, is impossible. Without repairing our deeply wounded relationship to fear and death, we won't be able to face the crisis we are in globally.
To leverage this incredibly precious capacity of fear, we need to have an intimate relationship with it, a relationship that orients us towards it, and not away from it. Connection instead of avoidance. We need to say yes to it's invitation for focus and resist the temptation of our program of distraction. This is only possible in state of connection to our own bodies, being present with the subtle and intricate signals and sensation we so often miss, fully being here, feeling our present moment experience. This state of embodiment is the beginning of tapping into the full potential of fear as an experience of total ecstasy, unity with the moment, capcity, agency, and possibility.
I myself have had a very ambiguous relationship to fear all my life. Anxiety crisis in my early twenties, at the same time doing extreme sports like base jumping, skydiving and deep wreck diving. Never fully understanding why I am dwelling in such contradictory polarities in my relationship to fear, I started diving deep into finding out what I was supposed to learn about the hidden super powers of my body through deeply transformative experiences, a spiritual framework, and modern neuroscience. I would love to share what I've found with you on my journey.
In this weekend workshop we want to start building a new relationship to fear, to our instincts, and to our bodies. We want to embark on a journey towards reconnecting with this old friend and teacher, the guide that has taken care of our evolutionary journey to who we are today.
As a first step, this demands to become aware of the specific language of our body and its absolute priority of survival, to become really intimate with its instinctual perspective and include its profound wisdom, and to truly embrace the human experience and the power that lies within our capacity to make choices beyond instinct. Through deep embodiment and the use of somatic resources, we create the foundation for truly stepping into our human potential while honoring our animal ancestry. Because embodiment isn't about creating absence of mind, it is about creating the conditions in which the mind can truly flourish, liberated from fear and stories of control, becoming an instrument of creativity and choice. It is about meeting death, instead of running away from it.
Structure of the retreat:
- Duration: Friday Afternoon till Sunday Evening
- Group size: Limited to 25 participants plus facilitation team to guarantee maximum quality of the container
- Combination of embodiment, somatic resources, eastern wisdom traditions, western philosophy, modern neuroscience and psychology, group circles and mindfulness practices
- Location: The Nest, Berlin Wedding
- After the retreat: Continue in a closed community where you can rewatch lectures as well as share with other participants about your ongoing integration journey
- Friday, November 19th: 5 pm - 8pm
- Satturday: 10am - 7pm
- Sunday, November 21st: 10am - 5:30 pm
Tickets do not include accommodation or food.
This Retreat is for you if you want to:
- Move from the mythos of separation to a new story of self that is grounded in connection and interdependency
- Take full responsibility for your human experience in every moment
- Learn to regulate your somatic experience to break free from fear and collapse by feeling profoundly safe in your body
- Integrate all your instincts and emotions into an authentic sense of self
- Become trauma and shadow aware to integrate your fragmented parts into a more whole self
- Want to know what the heck is going on in this world and how to adequately respond to it
- Live fulfilling and authentic relationships with vulnerability and intimacy as a foundation of connection beyond projections and attachment
- Find effortless connection to your purpose and express it naturally in this world and as this world
- Understand the root of our global conflicts and become an agent of synthesis and evolution instead of a passive participant in the polarization of our society
- Take leadership in your own developmental journey to be able to whole diverse perspectives without attachment
To make this workshop affordable for as many as possible, it is offered on a sliding scale. Please check in with yourself what your current financial capacity is. If you have the means, consider buying a supporter ticket to fund a Low Income Ticket for someone else!
Thank you for your consideration!
- Low Income Ticket: 199€
- Regular Ticket: 225€
- Supporter Ticket: 249€
This weekend workshop will touch upon the following topics to offer a coherent framework for growth:
The Science of Safety
How does safety live in the body・how to regulate the state of safety・understanding different survival instincts and strategies・basics of polyvagal theory and neuroception
Co-regulation・self-regulation・somatic consent・boundaries・somatic communication・Primal Play・Belly2Belly
Trauma Awareness
How does trauma affect the sense of self・how to integrate the fragmented personality・basics of interpersonal neurobiology・the alchemical gift of trauma・understanding inner parts through compassionate inquiry・building deep inner relationships
Shadow Work
Discovering and integrating disowned personality parts living in the unconscious (shadows)・overcoming the paradigm of good and evil・growing through the integration of judgments・understanding projections and using them for personal growth・the transformative power of dark feedback・transcending the victim-perpetrator-rescuer triangle
Living from purpose
Connecting to your true purpose・prioritizing purpose over fear・living from soul
The importance of community
Rediscovering our tribal biology and psychology・forum practice・revealing and sharing from vulnerabilit・being held and supported in community・the collective evolution of communities
Mindfulness, non-duality, and the nature of consciousness
Understanding the myth of separation as the root of fear・the profound non-duality of the kosmos・waking up to the emptiness of the self・embracing the circular journey of death and birth here and now・living from the present moment
Sense-making & Dialectics
Overcoming fear based in-group/out-group paradigms・understanding and transforming conflict as an opportunity for growth and evolution
Integral Development
Understanding the integral principles of evolution・the architecture of culture and values・complexity and chaos・evolutionary stages of consciousness・dimensions of reality and experience・death as the gate to evolution and rebirth
The power of deep listening・evolutionary principles of leadership・the power of choice
If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact me at
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