Offerings for Organizations


Professional Services

Our work comes right from the heart, we share with you what we have learned through blood, sweat and tears. It's not business, it's who we are.

About our Offerings For


We're accompanying our clients on their developmental journey towards a capacity of empowered self-leadership in service of all life.

In our work we integrate many different schools of thought into a coherent developmental framework that supports organizations in making the leap from a traditional, top-down managed corporation towards an integral, innovative, adaptive and resilient evolutionary organism. With years of consulting experience in the corporate innovation field, we know how hard this transition is and how much it is challenging the management of pretty much every organization in an uncertain and unpredictable world today.

The reason why most transformational projects in organizations fail today is because they are approached through a reductionistic lens that fails to incorporate the human factor into the design of the project.

Why is that? Bluntly spoken: the majority of consulting offices in the world operate from the exact same reductionistic developmental stage they are trying to help their clients overcome. This can not work. The necessary perspectives to deeply comprehend the neurobiological and cultural challenges their clients are facing are not available. The abstracted, decontextualized, generalized, mechanistic and inanimate understanding of the traditional top-down operating system is not capable of sufficiently responding to the degree of complexity organizations are actually facing today. A deep comprehension of organic systems, self-organization, decentralization and evolutionary purpose is lacking.

Our approach is different in the way that our work focuses on the human factor in a complex, evolving world. We understand that neither humans nor organizations are static objects that are reducible to abstract information on a spreadsheet or a powerpoint presentation. They are living, complex, and constantly evolving organisms, transitory systems, participating in complex networks through their relationships, defined by interdependencies in the present moment, never known absolutely and only understood in context.

This is why engaging in the development of organizations, just like humans, we can't proceed from illussions of a status quo towards an envisioned static goal, but we need to create circumstances in which these organisms can evolve along their purpose. To achieve this we take incorporate perspectives from interpersonal neurobiology, Jungian psychology, trauma awareness, psychological safety, integral and systems theory, and developmental psychology with our experience in corporate innovation.

In short: we are integrating the amazing analytical and abstract representational capacities of the left brain, with the more holistic, animate and intuitve presencing capacities of the right brain, to create a holisitic perspective that is able to attend to the complexity of todays world.

We welcome organizations of all sizes to experience our work through workshops, talks, leadership retreats and executive coaching programs. Yet as experienced professional service providers, we know that organizations have a high need for customized services and individual consulting, training and transformation projects. So if you don't find what you need underneath, lease don't hesitate to reach out to us with your individual inquiry, we would be happy to create a custom proposal and talk to you about how we can support your organization today!

Upcoming and regular Events

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Berlin TBD


The Whole Organization

Lennart Hennig, Jon Eden Khan

The Whole Organization

Past Events (...which might be repeated soon)


Coaching, Consulting

Organizational Transformation

Lennart Hennig, Jon Eden Khan

Organizational Transformation



Keynote Speaking

Lennart Hennig

Keynote Speaking



Executive Coaching

Lennart Hennig

Executive Coaching